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Mark Me A Tyree X MF Poco Stylish Gal

2005 100% FQHR, AQHA Mare

Ee AA nCr  Sooty Buckskin

1200 lbs, 14.3 H


"CC," Chisums Tyree Copy, is an exciting new addition to our Foundation Quarter Horse breeding program. She offers exquisite balanced conformation and a very rare uphill build so needed in the Quarter Horse breed. CC is well-muscled, has strong loins, deep heartgirth and an exceptional saddle position ideal for cutting, roping and other high agility demands. Her less common dappled sooty buckskin coloration adds the desirable cream gene as well as an overall striking appearance. CC is a standout.

CC's bloodlines are a resource for the sought-after, very hard-to-find line of the great Jessie James. Jessie James was long considered "one of the greatest cutting horses to look through a bridle." He won Reserve World Champion NCHA Open, Superior Performance Open Cutting Horse Champion, NCHA money-earner, ROM Performance Open Champion and even earned points in Halter. AQHA Hall of Famer, Harlan, is crossed three times in CC's pedigree. In 1965-66, Harlan won the AQHA leading get-of-sire award. Over 35 years later, he was the all-time leading sire of AQHA Champions in 1999.


Other Foundation greats include AQHA Champion, Ben Mark, Poco Bueno, King and Rey Del Rancho. Rey Del Rancho was steeply line-bred Old Sorrel, King Ranch's Founding Sire. We are super excited about CC's upcoming foals by our senior stallion, Jaz Poco Zorro, 100% NFQHA Foundation. We expect Zorro will compliment with bone, athleticism, strong hooves and a great temperament. 

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