2018 Ole de Halconero, IALHA, Lusitano Mare
​Halconero, APSL Revised IALHA X XPrima Donna CD, APSL Revised IALHA
​Blonde Bombshell. Bold, Brave, Beautiful...Cerulean Farm is proud to be home to our crowned jewel, Ole de Halconero, a rare chocolate palomino "Hawk" filly. Ole's sire is an awe-inspiring talent, the Legendary Revised Black Lusitano Stallion, Halconero. Halconero, or Falconer in Portuguese, is 98% Veiga blood with many crosses to the renowned Veiga stallion, Ribatejo. Halconero's acclaimed Military bloodlines explode with brillant performances in Bull Fighting, Grand Prix Show Jumping and High Level Dressage. We chose this Mega-Talent to built our Foundation Iberian Horse Program. Ole's exquisite dam, XPrima Donna CD, is a princess in a long line of royalty. Ole's granddaddy is the King of Dressage in Brazil, Quarteto do Top, who is himself the son of the King of Kings, Afiancado de Flandes.
Ole de Halconero will pursue her passion...Dressage, Reining, Working Equitation, Jumping, producing outstanding foals? Limitless opportunities for this girl!